Indonesia tightens vigil over rising Uighur militant infiltration
Muslim students stand during a rally outside China's embassy in Jakarta July 15, 2009, to protest against the deaths of Uighurs in riots in China's Xinjiang province. Rioting left at least 184 dead in Xinjiang's worst ethnic violence in decades Reuters

Indonesian police have placed four more Chinese Uighurs on the most-wanted list even as officials warn about elevated risk of Uighur Muslim militants infiltrating the country.

The move comes after Indonesia's anti-terror forces shot dead two ethnic Uighur Chinese men who were fighting alongside an Isis-affiliated extremist group.

The four militants who made to the latest list are part of a group of six ethnic Uighurs who infiltrated into the country, Central Sulawesi Police chief Brig. Gen. Rudy Sufahriadi said.

Two members of the group were killed by security forces in an encounter in the Sulawesi island

"I have reported it to the National Police headquarters. We are waiting for a decision from the National Police as to whether the bodies will be sent back to China or buried here in Palu," the police shief said, according to the Jakarata Post.

He said the Uighurs travelled from Xinjiang province in China to Thailand and then to Malaysia, from where they entered Indonesia.

"From Makassar overland they entered Poso and joined Santoso's group," Rudy added.

China's foreign ministry said China and Indonesia are facing new threats from international and regional terrorism.

"In recent years, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) has continued to infiltrate Indonesia and members of the group have linked up with Indonesian terrorists to open up a shipment route for people to participate in international terrorist activities," foreign ministry spokesman Lu KangLu said, according to Reuters.

"This not only threatens China's national security, but it is also a real danger to Indonesia's and the region's social stability," he said.

China has previously said Uighurs in the restive Xinjiang province travel to Turkey and then to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside the Islamic State militants.