Picture for representation
Picture for representation Reuters

The new year celebrations did not end well for everyone and an Indonesia police chief is one of the unlucky people. On 1 January, right after the midnight, firecrackers launched by revellers landed on the house of the East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan police chief and set the building on fire.

Several people were celebrating the New Year's Eve in the house near Lapangan Merdeka in East Kalimantan when the incident took place.

It was reported the two people, who were suspected to have launched the firecrackers in the direction of the officer's house, were arrested by police immediately following the incident and were taken to the Balikpapan Police headquarters for questioning. However, Balikpapan Police Chief Jeffri Dian Juniartha refused to dish out any details of the incident or the detainees.

According to Straits Times, police arrested two more people later on Sunday. "This is a lesson for everyone to be more careful," said East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan Police Chief Safaruddin, according to the news website.