Indonesia prepares to execute up to 13 prisoners, including many foreigners
A man carries a self-portrait painted by Australian death row prisoner Myuran Sukumaran as he leaves Wijayapura port in Cilacap, Central Java province, Indonesia, April 27, 2015.

Indonesia will execute 16 prisoners this year and around 30 next year, the attorney general's office said on Tuesday.

As many as 16 prisoners, mostly drug offenders, will be executed after the Muslim Eid al Fitr holidays next month.

"I hope there will be no changes. We have planned it to take place after the fasting month at Nusakambangan. Some convicts [on death row] have been moved there," Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo said, according to Jakarta Globe. 

The third round of executions will take place on the notorious Nusakambangan Island in Cilacap, Central Java, where the high-profile exectuion of the Bali Nine convicted drug offenders was held last year.

There are currently 152 people on death row in the country, AG's office spokesman M. Rum said, adding that drug traffickers would be prioritized.

He said President Joko Widodo places high priority on ending the drug menace. 

"In accordance with the budget we have, we plan (to execute) 16 this year and 30 next year," Rum said. "President Joko Widodo has said the country is facing a narcotics emergency and this is our future generations," he added, according to Reuters.

Rum did not reveal the names of those facing execution next month.

Indonesia had halted executions after the severe international backlash over the Bali Nine executions. 

However, Prasetyo said more than 30 drug convicts will be executed in in 2017. This will include many foreign nationals convicted in drug offences, the spokesman said.