
Various speculations regarding 'Nibiru' alias 'Planet X' have been doing rounds on the Internet for the last couple of months but David Meade with his wild predictions regarding the end of the world is claiming credit for predicting it. He had proclaimed that the Armageddon has already begun on October 15 and that the world will witness a seven-year tribulation period with a drastic rise is seismic activities, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. Now, the question arises if the recent events from Malaysia and Vietnam are the result of Nibiru cataclysm that has already begun.

Floods in Malaysia, Typhoon Damery in Vietnam

Massive floods have inundated the Malaysian state Penang, and as per latest updates, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has asked the Central Government to provide assistance from the military forces. The minister revealed that the Central Government has agreed to his demands, and troops of military forces will soon reach Penang. Lim Guan also added that the water levels are still rising; 10 to 12 feet above roof levels of houses.

On the other hand, the devastation caused by Typhoon Damrey is very alarming. According to latest updates, the typhoon has killed at least 19 people, and the news has been confirmed by the Vietnam Government. Damery made its landfall at 04.00 am, with winds gusting up to 90 kmph. The powerful storm pummeled the region ripping off roofs of more than 1,000 houses and knocking down hundreds of electricity poles and trees. More than 400 houses collapsed after the landfall, and to avoid further casualties, the Vietnam's Search and Rescue Committee evacuated 35,000 people.

Last month, more than 80 people were killed in northern Vietnam as another typhoon hit the southeast Asian country. Experts believe that the country's long coastline is the reason behind increased occurrences of typhoons, while conspiracy theorists claim that these natural disasters are connected to Nibiru, the rogue planet. 

Why is Nibiru causing natural disasters?

As Nibiru has now emerged as the hottest topic among conspiracy theorists, NASA has openly come forward and denied the existence of this killer planet. As per NASA, Nibiru is an Internet hoax and said if it was real, it would have been visible to our naked eyes by now. But various conspiracy theorists claim that the Space Agency is covering up the issue to prevent public panic.

According to them, the gravitational pull of Nibiru is so tremendous that it has already destabilized the orbital alignment of the solar system. The monster planet is now moving towards the Earth and it will ultimately collide with our planet, they said.