Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump visited Puerto Rico on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Maria in the Carribean island, which resulted in large-scale devastation. During the visit, Trump tossed paper towels at the hurricane victims, and this move was not well-received by people on the island. He also shook hands with San Juan Mayor, Carmen Yulin Cruz, whom he had insulted a few days back.

Donald Trump's bronze statue to grace Puerto Rican soil

If Puerto Rico continues its legacy of building statues of presidents visiting the island, a new bronze statue of Trump will soon be installed next to the one representing the previous presidential visitor, Barrack Obama, who visited the unincorporated territory of the US in 2011.

In 2010, the Puerto Rico Government created a walkway for building statues of presidents visiting the island, and as of now, it has nine statues including Franklin D Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, who visited the countries in 1934 and 1960 respectively.

Donald Trump's visit crucial for Puerto Rico

Donald Trump visited Puerto Rico on October 3, following the ravage created by Hurricane Maria two weeks back. The visit of the President was to inspect damage in the country so that sufficient financial aid can be provided to rebuild the island. On October 4, the Trump administration asked US lawmakers to sanction $29 billion to assist victims who were traumatized with hurricanes which hit Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.

After the visit, Donald Trump gave an exclusive interview to Fox News, and he told that Puerto Rico's whopping debt of $72 billion will soon be wiped out.

"They owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street and we're going to have to wipe that out. You're going to say goodbye to that, I don't know if it's Goldman Sachs but whoever it is you can wave goodbye to that," said Trump, reports Fox News.

The residents of Puerto Rico are very happy with the visit of Trump, as they believe it will strengthen their efforts to rebuild the hurricane hit area.

San Juan Mayor continues her criticisms

Trump's paper tossing deed has not gone well with Carmen Yulin Cruz, the San Juan Mayor. She described Trump's visit to Puerto Rica as 'insulting', and even called him a 'miscommunicator-in-chief.'

Cruz also lashed out against Trump's act of tossing paper towels at the hurricane victims, calling it 'terrible and abominable.'