In a family ceremony, the ashes of Cuba's former president Fidel Castro were inured at the Santa Ifigenia cemetery, just next to those of national hero Jose Marti in the Cuban city of Santiago.
Fidel Castro's ashes were brought in a glass casket accompanied by a cortege while people along the road shouted "Long live Fidel!" and waved the Cuban flag.
Though the ceremony was initially covered on Television after sometimes official media announced it would be "solemn and private", reported Aljazeera. Castro's family and top government officials attended a private funeral ceremony to mourn the death of the beloved leader.
Castro, who kept communism alive in the Caribbean island nation and gave a stern fight to the United State's dominance, passed away on 25 November at the age of 90.
As his last wish, the Cuban asked people not to name any monuments or roads after him as he "strongly opposed any manifestation of cult of personality".
An ardent follower of Marxist-Leninist model of development, Castro nationalised industry and business in the country and implemented state socialist reforms. Experts argue that without Castro and his excellent leadership Cuba would not have got its independence from imperialism.
Check out some pictures from the ceremony here: