Singapore: Man posts intellectually disabled woman's nude photo online with nasty comment
picture for representation Reuters

Singapore police arrested two men for taking advantage of an intellectually disabled woman and coaxing her to share nude photos which they uploaded on social media with humiliating comments.

Initially, one of the two men befriended the victim and pursued her to be his girlfriend on the instant messaging app, WhatsApp Messenger. Later, the man said he was feeling aroused and nagged her to share some nude pictures of her which she refused. However, after hours of pestering, she reluctantly sent a topless photograph of herself.

The culprit then forwarded the photograph to his friend and instructed him to upload it on Facebook, which he did with nasty comments.

The victim made a police complaint after her brother told her that he saw the photograph on Facebook. To her shock, she found out that several people, by then, had already seen and commented on it. The men later took down the photo at the brother's insistence

Police arrested the girl's "boyfriend", Samuel Koh Kwok Lun (22). He was jailed 10 weeks but is currently appealing his sentence.

The boyfriend's friend, Gabriel Mok Shao Jie (22), was arrested on Monday and has been charged guilty of sending out an obscene object via Facebook.

According to a medical report of the victim (26), her development was within the mentally retarded range.

Koh, then a full-time national serviceman, sent a friend request to the victim, who was working as a fast-food restaurant assistant, on February 2016 which she accepted and they began texting each other on WhatsApp.