Jihadi John confirmed dead
A masked, black-clad militant, who has been identified by the Washington Post newspaper as a Briton named Mohammed Emwazi, stands next to a man purported to be Steven Sotloff in this still image from a video obtained from SITE Intel Group website February 26, 2015. Reuters

Islamic militant group Isis has confirmed that their lead executioner Mohammed Emwazi, who gained notoriety as Jihadi John, had died in a drone strike in their Syrian stronghold Raqqa.

Earlier in November US and UK had confirmed that they had killed Jihadi John, one of the world's most wanted criminals, in a drone attack.

Isis said in its English language online magazine Dabiq that Emwazi was killed "as the car he was in was targeted in a strike by an unmanned drone in the city of Raqa, destroying the car and killing him instantly".

The militant group showered praise on the killer, who was filmed beheading numerous hostages, including at least four westerners.

In an elaborate obituary the militant outfit showered fulsome praise on the executioner. "Abū Muhārib al-Muhājir, the mujāhid who made headlines around the world as "Jihadi John," was originally from the northeast of the Arabian Peninsula, while his mother originated from Yemen. At a young age, the honorable brother traveled with his family to London. This would become a place he grew to hate along with its kāfir people, whose customs were far-removed from the praiseworthy values he was much accustomed to."

The obituary also says Emazi, a British citizen, "achieved shahādah for the cause of Allah, which he had sought for so long".

Who is Mohammad Emwazi?

The would-be militant came to the UK in 1994 as a six-year-old refugee accompanying his parents from Kuwait. He studied in London schools and lived in a state-sponsored house before traveling to Kuwait to join an IT firm.

The Manchester United fan had reportedly taken part in a counter-demonstration outside Harrow central mosque, London, on the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

According to MI5, during 2009 Emwazi was tracked after being assessed as an associate of a number of suspected jihadists from around the world. That same year he had travelled to Tanzania but was denied entry at Dar es Salaam. According to 'Cage' Emwazi's radicalisation on the Tanzania trip.

In August 2013 Emwazi's parents reported him missing and a few months later, they were informed by police that he had travelled to Syria.

He became a familiar face of global terror after e beheaded ion camera US journalist James Foley. This was followed by several other gruesome killing videos.

For more on Jihadi John, read IB Times UK's profile on him here.