Picture for representation
Picture for representation Reuters

After the last few days of the world going crazy over the alleged UFO sightings in Turkey, alien life experts have debunked the possibility of a visit from the aliens. Some have even called the whole episode a hoax. 

Staged or not, people were baffled by the fleet of UFOs which was seen hovering over the country on 29 November and pictures were uploaded on social media by several users from different places. Several videos of the chilly sighting were also posted on YouTube.

The video posted by UFO hunters secureteam10 has gone viral and has been watched more than 45,000 times in less than 24 hours. They said: "We had a fleet of these unknown lights that were appearing in multiple cities across the country of Turkey, causing mass panic for many people," said the channel, according to Daily Star.

Though there has been no official confirmation on the lights which seems to be from flying saucers, some netizens have suggested that they are drones flying in the sky.

Check out the pictures and videos of the UFOs and decide for yourself if they are real or just a mere hoax:


 Credit: Secureteam10