National Kidney Foundation
Picture for representation Reuters

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) on Wednesday morning announced the employment termination of its CEO Edmund Kwok who joined the company in 2012.

In a media statement, the NFK said that the company has fired its employee over "personal indiscretion" and it was effective from 14 November.

In the statement, the company, addressing the concern of the patients and other employees, said that this move will not hamper any work of the foundation and its service to patients will continue normally.

"The Board of NKF would like to assure all stakeholders, including patients, donors, supporters and employees, that Mr Kwok's personal indiscretion has nothing to do with the stewardship of our finances. Our operations are not affected by this matter and our services to patients and beneficiaries continue as per normal," said the company in the press release.

The NFK also revealed its future plans regarding this issue. The company said a three-member executive committee has been appointed by the board to take up all the CEOs duties. The EXCO will function till mid-December until the former CEO Eunice Tay returns to take over the position. Meanwhile, the search for a new CEO will continue, said the statement.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) expressed its surprise over this decision. In an official statement, the ministry said, "MOH has been informed by NKF that the employment of Mr Edmund Kwok has been terminated. We note that the board has put in place plans to ensure business continuity, and we will work with NKF to ensure that services to patients are not disrupted."

Edmund Kwok , who was a former employee at Parkway Healthcare and Tan Tock Seng Hospital assumed the reign of NFK in 2013.

This is the second debacle NFK is facing involving its CEOs. In 2005, former CEO TT Durai and ex-chairman Richard Yong along with the entire board of directors were forced to resign after some favours taken by Durai came to light.

The privileges included a whopping amount of S$600,000, some first-class tickets to foreign destitutions and a fleet of eight chauffeured cars, reported Channel News Asia. Durai was also jailed for three months in 2007 after he was found guilty of duping NFK in a payment of S$20,000 to his friend.