Philippines deadly drug war continues
The body of a man killed by unknown gunmen is lit by lights from TV cameras in Manila, Philippines Reuters

Ever since Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte launched his controversial war on drugs corpses have been piling up in cities all over the country. 

Illegal drug dealers and drug addicts are killed either by police or by unidentified gunmen. Their bodies are frequently found dumped on highways or in slum areas in pools of blood.

Reports show that many of them were found tied up with masking tape plastered across their faces, while some were draped with cardboard warning signs reading, "I'm a pusher. Don't Be Like Me."

Duterte won the May elections in a landslide victory on a vow to kill tens of thousands of criminals and to get rid of illegal drugs in the country in six months. He said that so many bodies would be dumped in Manila Bay that fish would grow fat from feeding on them and undoubtedly a similar scenario has been created.

The police claim that they have killed 1,105 drug suspects in slightly more than two months since Duterte came to power. They also said around 2,035 of those people have been murdered by unknown assailants while the rest were "deaths under investigation".

Philippines deadly drug war continues
The body of Gilbert Beguelme, who according to relatives was a drug user, lies on a jeepney after he was gunned down by unidentified men riding on a motorcycle, in Manila. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
Relatives weep beside the coffin containing the remains of Rosanna Doceyo, who according to relatives was killed by an unidentified man, during her funeral in Caloocan city, Metro Manila. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A police line is placed around the body of a man killed by unknown gunmen in Manila, Philippines. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A boy arrives to the spot where his father was killed in a police operation shortly before in Manila, Philippines. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A body is taken out of a house where two men were killed during a drugs related police operation in Manila, Philippines Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A man is comforted by his wife after their seven-year-old daughter was found killed at Tugatog public cemetery, in Manila, Philippines. According to local media, a registered drug user known to the police was detained as a suspect involved in the killing. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
Blood flows from the body of a man killed in a shootout with police in Manila, Philippines. According to the police, sachets containing substance believed to be drug shabu (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride) were found in the killed man's pockets. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A policeman holds a bag with bloodied doll and other belongings of a 17 year old girl that was killed together with her friend by unknown motorcycle-riding gunmen in an alley in Manila, Philippines. According to the police, a sign on a cardboard reading "Tulak ka, hayop ka", which translates to "You are a (drug) pusher, you are an animal" was found with the the body of girl's killed friend. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A 17 year old girl lays dead next to her doll after she and her friend were killed by unknown motorcycle-riding gunmen, in an alley in Manila, Philippines. According to the police, a sign on a cardboard reading "Tulak ka, hayop ka", which translates to "You are a (drug) pusher, you are an animal" was found with the body of girl's friend. Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
People peek inside a house in which five people were killed in Manila. According to police and witnesses, unknown masked gunmen killed five people inside a house that is a known drug den Reuters
Philippines deadly drug war continues
A gun is left in a pool of blood at the scene where a man identified to be on a drug watchlist was killed in a shooting encounter with police in Parola slum in Manila. Reuters