4 Philippine companies face tax evasion charges
Armed police stand guard outside the Department of Justice in Philippines. Reuters

Four Philippine companies are expected to face tax evasion charges when the government's Bureau Internal Renue (BIR) reported they filed the information at the Department of Justice (DOJ) accusing the companies for evading P 275.2 million worth of taxes that are due the government.

Among the companies included in the complaint sheet are 1. President Denis Lawrence and Finance Officer Elizah Ann M. Lipo of Armel Plastic Co., 2. Chief Operating Officer President Ross Paul Gorriceta and Finance Officer Roland Reginald Gorriceta of Marina de Manila Co. 3. President Albert Altura and Chief Finance Officer Yasmin T. Moya of Ski Construction Group, Inc. and 4. GMC Construction and Development Corporation.

Armel Plastic Co. will face a tax evasion charge worth P 45.64 million for 2010, Marina Seafoods, P 16.42 million for 2012, Ski Construction, P 21.94 for 2004 and GMC Construction P 191.19 million covering 2008 and 2009.

The Philippine's tax agency notified the companies of their reported tax liabilities but failed to protest and pay the delinquent accounts.

The BIR has launched a campaign to run after companies evading their tax liabilities with the new RATE program. RATE is the acronym of Run After Tax Evaders (RATE) initiated by the Duterte administration.

The RATE campaign has already filed cases against 39 companies for tax evasion. BIR is a government agency under the Department of Finance and collects more than half of the country's total revenues to subsidize most of the government programs and salaries of government personnel.