An interior view of Al Rawdah mosque is seen after an explosion
An interior view of Al Rawdah mosque is seen after an explosion. Reuters

The Egyptian military had launched an airstrike on November 24, Friday night after a terrorist attack on Al-Rawdah mosque earlier on the same day. Officials said that the attack killed almost 305 innocents, including 27 children and wounded more than 128. However, till now none of the terror organisations has taken the responsibility for the attack.

According to Middle East News Agency (MENA), "The attackers of the mosque were carrying the Islamic State flag. Some 25-30 militants have gunned down the worshippers while performing the Friday prayer."

In a statement, officials said on Friday that the terrorist group threw bombs from the windows and doors of the mosque during the regular prayer time. After the bombarding terrorists were entered into the mosque with automatic weapons and carried a black flag with a text written on it, which said, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet."

Damaged vehicles are seen after a bomb exploded at Al Rawdah mosque
Damaged vehicles are seen after a bomb exploded at Al-Rawdah mosque. Reuters

The witnesses said that attackers were riding five jeeps and burnt seven cars of the worshippers in the country's North Sinai region. Many of the victims were Sufi Muslim, members of Islam's mystical movement, to whom groups such as the IS consider as "infidels."

Magdy Rezk, a survivor told Reuters, "When the shooting began everyone was running, and everyone was bumping into one another. But I was able to make out masked men wearing military clothing."

On the other hand, the Suez Canal Hospital in Ismailia was almost overloaded by long queues of the victim's relatives and friends.

"My 23-years old nephew, Amir, who was working as a nurse has passed away in the attack," said Samy Mohammed, the uncle of the victim.

The heartbroken father of Amir, who is a teacher and got injured during the attack by bullets said, "I couldn't get the body of Amir and he was buried in collective graves with the others."

Later Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi gave instruction to the military forces to launch an airstrike but the army did not give any details on the number of airstrikes or any targets. However, according to the reports, the Air Force has destroyed several hotbeds, including firearms, ammunition, explosives and the bases to launch their attacks within past few hours.

On the other hand, the government who has been battling an Islamic State affiliate in the region for years has called the situation "a top emergency case of state security." Three days of mourning have been announced on Friday.

The moment after the mosque attack news came out in public, people and from all around the world started posting their comments on Twitter with #PrayforEgypt.
