Donald Trump designates North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism

US President Donald Trump, on November 20 reinstated North Korea's status as a state sponsor of terrorism. The move from the US to designate North Korea as a terrorist state will not create much economic impact on the "rogue" nation, as they are already under a wide array of sanctions from the United States and United Nations.

"The US is designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. It should have happened a long time ago, it should have happened years ago," Trump said before the start of the cabinet meeting.

North Korea: The State sponsor of terrorism

The decision came just a week after Trump completed his Asian tour. Throughout the trip, Trump has talked about the blind nuclear ambitions of North Korea led by Supreme leader Kim Jong-un, and he has even warned Pyongyang about a possible military action if a missile was launched targetting the US mainland.

"In addition to threatening the world by nuclear devastation, North Korea has repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism, including assassinations on foreign soil. This designation will impose further sanctions and penalties on North Korea and related persons and supports our maximum pressure campaign to isolate the murderous regime," Trump told reporters at the White House, reports Reuters.

According to political experts, the reinstation of terror status may slow down Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile programs in the coming months. The terrorist status is also expected to dissuade third parties from supporting Pyongyang.

South Korea, Australia, and Japan welcome the move

Soon after the reinstation of North Korea's terrorist nation status, South Korea and Japan openly came forward and welcomed the move of the United States.

"I welcome and support the designation as it raises the pressure on North Korea," said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, reports Kyodo News Agency.

South Korea's Foreign Ministry said that the reinstation of terrorist status will help in denuclearising the Koran peninsula, and will also pave the way for diplomatic talks with Pyongyang.

Australia also welcomed the move from the US and said that Kim Jong-un has been running a global criminal operation since he took over the regime. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that the reinstation of terrorist nation status will compel Pyongyang go back to its senses.

North Korea back in the list of terrorist nations after 9 years

North Korea was first included in this notorious list in 1988 when the East-Asian nation blew up a South Korean civil aircraft resulting in the death of 115 people. The status continued for 20 years, and finally, it was withdrawn in 2008 when the country successfully met the benchmark associated with nuclear disarmament deal.

Now due to his blind nuclear ambitions, Kim Jong-un has dragged his country to this list again. The reinstation of the terrorist state status will surely bring about serious repercussions, as it will allow the US to enforce more sanctions on North Korea.