Safsa vs Yishun Sentek Mariners
Representational Picture FAS/ Facebook

During a National Football League (NFL) first division match, a mass brawl took place on 12 November, Sunday at Jalan Besar Stadium. The Football Association of Singapore's (FAS) President, Lim Kia Tong has called for an urgent meeting on 13 November, Monday to investigate the incident.

It was a match between two Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association (SAFSA) and Yishun Sentek Mariners, where SAFSA was leading with 3-2 and the match was telecasted live on the FAS social-media channel.

On Monday, FAS published a statement via social media on at 12.09am on Monday, where they stated, "The FAS does not condone any ungentlemanly behaviour that taints the name of our sport, and brings it into disrepute."

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According to the coach of Sentek Mariners, Yakob Hashim, the brawls had started when their defender Zulfadhli Suzliman was sent off during the last moment of the game. Later he came to know that the fight began when one player used abusive language for opponent's mother.  

However, in 2010 same kind incident had happened at Jalan Besar Stadium. Even in 2016, SAFSA and Balestier United Recreation Club both had started a fight during the 88th minute, which forced the organizers to abandon the match. After an intensive investigation, Balestier was banned from the FA Cup for two years and had to pay $1,000 as a fine. 

Regarding the recent incident, the FAS further said that since they are still investigating the Sunday night issue, so they have no comments to add to this situation.