Catalonia declares independence from Spain

After Spain Constitutional Court declared the self-determination referendum invalid conducted by Catalonia, several world countries have stood behind Span in not granting Independence to Catalonia. The recent addition to this list is Indonesia.

Indonesia takes a clear stand

Retno Marsudi, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, through her official Twitter media handle told that the country is not recognizing Catalonia's Independence. According to the Minister, Indonesia neither recognizes Catalonia's Independence nor supports its partition from Spain.

Marsudi called the Independence of Catalonia a self-declared one and made it clear that Catalonia is an integral part of Spain. Spain considered the self-determination referendum invalid for what it termed violation of the basic principles of Spain's constitution.

Germany is another country which openly proclaimed that they will not accept Catalonia's Independence. Recently, the German Government conveyed its stand on the Catalonian issue, and added that they will stand with the Spanish Government. The German authorities made it clear that they will not recognize the self-proclaimed Independence declared by the Catalonian Parliament.

Spain considers Catalonia its integral part

Catalonia has been an integral part of Spain since the 15th century. The area has a population of 7.5 million, but separatist supporters in the region wish to live as an Independent nation. In the midst of this constitutional crisis, thousands of anti-independence protesters who wanted Catalonia to remain a part of Span are expected to march on the streets of Barcelona.

The rally is expected to begin on Sunday afternoon, and protestors will proclaim the slogan, 'Catalonia is all of us'.

According to the Spanish Government, Catalonia is their most integral region and added that many people in Catalonia wish to stay as the part of Spain. But the local economy of Catalonia is already facing challenges with many multinationals leaving the country owing to the political crisis.