Picture for representation Reuters

If a nuclear war gets triggered in the Korean peninsula, then South Korea is likely to deploy the very powerful graphite bombs also known as 'Blackout bombs' on North Korea which will paralyze the entire power grid of the Kim Jong-Un territory. South Korean military scientists are now in the final stages of developing the blackout bomb; the non-lethal weapon technology which will take down North Korea's entire power supply during the time of war.

The new weapon is being developed under South Korea's Kill Chain pre-emptive strike program, an initiative exclusively aimed to detect and intercept missiles from North Korea within the shortest time.

South Korea developing its defensive capabilities

As North Korea is continuously creating tensions in the International community, South Korea is now vigorously developing its defensive capabilities. South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that the Agency for Defense Development, Seoul has already bought the technology required to build graphite bombs.

"All technologies for the development of a graphite bomb led by the ADD have been secured. It is in the stage where we can build the bombs anytime," said a South Korean military official, reports Yonhap.

South Korea is keen to develop blackout bombs against North Korea due to its non-lethal nature and it will not cause any harm to the innocent individuals.

How do blackout bombs work?

Blackout bombs are usually dropped by a plane over power stations in the target country. The bomb works by releasing a cloud of extremely fine carbon filaments over the electric components, finally resulting in a short circuit.

Blackout bombs: Previously used by the US and Nato

Often described as 'soft bombs', graphite bombs were first used by the US in the Gulf War, 1991. It was later used by NATO in 1991 against Serbia. The US reportedly used blackout bombs during the Iraq invasion and military experts consider it a very successful operation, as it successfully knocked out more than 85 percent of the power supply in the country.

Impending nuclear war 

North Korea is now slowly emerging as a threat to the entire human community as the country continuously violates opposition from all corners regarding their nuclear experiments and tests. Recently, the Kim Jong-Un led nation tested a hydrogen bomb which set a wave of tension all across the peninsula.

In the midst of these developments, Donald Trump, the US President recently told that 'only one thing will work' with Kim Jong-Un. Political experts believe that the US President was hinting the possibility of a military action against North Korea if the country continues its blind nuclear ambitions.