Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull calls Melbourne siege shocking and cowardly terrorist act
Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull

The Australian government will confirm the implementation of same-sex marriage through a nationwide postal vote survey. The ruling and the opposition parties on Sept. 8 have also promised to work together to frame laws against hate speech ahead of the survey.

Over the past 10 years, the Australian government has been hesitant in legalizing same-sex marriage despite growing public support for the same.

Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull had assured to hold a nationwide referendum for this cause last year. On being rejected twice by the upper house, the plan was changed to a postal vote survey instead.

Advocates voicing for same-sex marriage have opposed the postal ballot system that is set to open next week for it might make gay people and their families vulnerable to abuse.

On Thursday, two legal challenges were rejected by the High Court against postal voting. With over 16 million ballot papers expected to be sent out in the coming weeks stating "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" (Yes or No), Australian citizens will now have to decide if they are for or against such unions.

The ruling and opposition parties are coordinating with each other in trying to get laws framed to be passed in the parliament as soon as next week.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, supervisor of the survey told Channel NewsAsia that the rules would include ensuring appropriate balance in broadcasting.

Labor opposition leader, Bill Shorten had also said that the survey needs to have similar protections as political elections on what debate was allowed or possibly even stronger safeguards.

Postal voting closes on Nov.7 following the results on Nov.15 of the month.

According to the Prime Minister, an additional parliamentary vote will be held if majority of the Australians votes for legalizing same-sex marriage. Voting in the parliament will not proceed if the majority votes against it.