Picture for representation
Picture for representation Reuters

The Philippine government has announced that Filipino diplomats in Guam and Korea are now holding series of meetings to prepare an evacuation plan among Filipino communities in case tensions between the US and North Korea escalate.

Philippine presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella briefed Philippine journalists that in case threats exchanges continue and hostilities erupt, the Filipinos, who are working and residing in the Korean Peninsula and Guam, already know what to do.

There are 69,000 Filipinos working in Korea while at least 30,000 Filipinos reside in Guam. South Korea population is 52 million while Guam has 174,000 people.

But Abella has called on North Korea, the US and other countries involved in the issue to observe self-restraint to avoid conflict in the Asia Pacific region.

The Philippine embassy in South Korea and its consular office in Guam have been monitoring the situation and are providing regular feedbacks to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila.

Washington and North Korea are at loggerheads with each other since the communist country launched an intercontinental ballistic missile as part of its missile launching exercise last July.

US President Donald Trump warned Korea that it would be best if it does not make any more threats as he is ready to unleash fire and fury the world has never seen.

Moreover, North Korea announced that it was already detailing a plan on how to launch almost a dozen ballistic missiles with the exclusive economic zone of Guam, a US pacific territory which has thousands of US soldiers deployed.