Philippine governor seeks military help to prevent maoist rebels' harassment
Government forces board a military truck after Islamist militants, who had holed up in a primary school, retreated after a gunbattle with troops but were holding some civilians hostage, in Pigcawayan, North Cotabato, Philippines June 21, 2017. Reuters

In response to communist leader Jose Maria Sison statement that the CIA is plotting to oust Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine military denied the truthfulness of the report and calling it a propaganda used by leftist leaders.

Brig. Gen. Resituto Padilla, spokesperson of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) told Philippine journalists that statement like these are propaganda of the leftist leader Joma Sison to gain sympathy from the public.

"This is such a preposterous statement." Padilla said.

Sison who was exiled in the Netherlands, is the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), who announced to Philippine media this week that there is an on-going collaboration between the Philippine military and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to overthrow Duterte known for his public stance against US foreign policies.

Sison was quoted by the Philippine Daily Inquirer that he had to expose this report in order to discourage its implementation.

Meanwhile, a Philippine broadsheet also reported that the National Democratic Front (NDF) said the AFP is also considering of sending its elite forces to Netherlands to assassinate Sison but the military also denied the same information calling it an old propaganda. Sison is serving as an adviser of both the NDF and the NPA organizations.

The Philippine government peace panel and the National Democratic Front has cancelled their peace dialogues after the NDF's military wing (New People's Army) continue to raid military and police detachments in different parts of the Philippines despite the unilateral ceasefire declared by the Philippine government.