7 Indonesians killed, 21 remain missing in Johor boat accident
Reuters (Representational Image)

A Taiwan national has reportedly drowned in an accident involving a small motorboat in the waters off the Village Island Report in Santa Fe, Cebu. Twelve others fell into the waters when their boat capsized after a huge waves struck the vessel. 

Police officers investigating that the group of Taiwanese nationals, who were having their holidays in the Philippines, boarded the small motorboat from the Island's shore off the village of Okoy and while heading towards the sea when the mishap happened.

"A rescue team was sent by the nearby police detachment to the shore to save the 12 passengers that included children and the motor boat operator," said Albert Jimene, a police investigator.

The deceased Taiwan national has been identified as Chen Su-Hsiang, 63 years old. Aside from the police, the Cebu Tourism Office and the Philippine Coast guard responded to the scene to do their own investigation.

The Central Philippines has become a favourite destination of Taiwan nationals because of the several resorts mushrooming over the region.

Taiwan tourists ranked third among the foreign market of Central Philippines with 56,859 registered visitors last year. South Korea and China tourists ranked first and second respectively.

More than 73,000 Taiwan nationals have visited the Philippines last year. Experts say that this is because of the favourable location and the high English literacy.