Philippine troops rescue Filipino ship captain abducted by militants
Philippines troops in action. Reuters

Communist rebels, over the weekend, relayed their stance to Presidential Adviser, Jesus Dureza, that they denounced and condemned the attack initiated by ISIS-inspirted terror group in Marawi City.

Dureza who visited Zamboanga City to serve as guest of honour at the iIndependence day celebrations told Philippines media that he just received a call from the the leader of National Democratic Front – New People's Army (NDF-NPA) who is in Europe, to dramatise their sentiments in condemning the terror attack.

NDP is the political wing of the NPA, a maoist rebel group, which is presently engaged in a peace dialogue with the Philippine government. Dureza announced the NDP-NPA's statement during a press conference with City Mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar held at the City Government conference hall.

"Good enough that all sectors now, even those who rebelled against the government, are condemning what is happening in Marawi," Dureza was quoted by the Philippine Star.

The announcement of Dureza came after recent clashes were reported between NPA rebels and Philippine military that killed a dozen of fighters from both sides. The presidential peace adviser also said that two other revolutionary organizations, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) also publicly denounced the terror attack introduced by the ISIS-inspired Maute rebels.

The on-going three week-long battle in Marawi has already claimed more than 200 lives and also destroyed commercial establishments and residential houses in the only Islamic city in the country.

Earlier, the MNLF offered 2,000 of its armed fighters to help Philippines soldiers to battle 400 heavily armed terrorist groups in Marawi City but Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declined the offer suggesting to them they have to be integrated first with the military.

Duterte also on May 23 declared Martial Law in Mindanao to suppress rebellion and terrorism threats. However, several opposition lawmakers contested the declaration saying that the declaration of Martial Law was not recommended by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

The Supreme Court is expected to hear the arguments of Martial Law petitioners and advoctes this week to validate or to nullify the declared Martial Law in Mindanao - an island region of 22 million people.